

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CEは、高品位なサウンドで豊かな音楽表現を可能にしてくれる人気のオーケストラ音源Miroslav Philharmonik 2の入門版です。コスト・パフォーマンスという点から観ると、そのサウンド・ライブラリーの、クォリティ、規模、そしてバリエーションにおいて、他の競合製品を寄せつけません。ぜひ、その魅力をこちらのリンクからオーディオ・デモをお聴きください。

壮大な弦楽器セクション、躍動する木管楽器セクション、咆哮する金管楽器セクション。フルバージョンのMiroslav Philharmonik 2のオーケストラ・サウンドの魅力と可能性を、よりお手頃な価格で手に入れることができるのです。伝説的ジャズ・ミュージシャン、ミロスラフ・ヴィトウスの名を冠したこの製品は、Miroslav Philharmonik 2フルバージョンから厳選された733のインストゥルメントを含む10 GBのサウンド・ライブラリーを擁しています。触れた瞬間に感じられる、圧倒的なサウンドの美しさを是非体験してみてください。


Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE魅力の1つは、その豊かなアーティキュレーションの表現機能です。フルバージョン同様、それぞれのインストゥルメントには、サスティン、スタッカートなどのアーティキュレーションのサウンドがレイヤーされており、音域外に設定された、スイッチ・キーを押すことでレイヤー、すなわちアーティキュレーションを切り替えて演奏することができます。




Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CEのサウンド・デザインの可能性は、無限大です。IKのサウンド&グルーブ・ワークステーション、SampleTank 3やT-RackSシリーズから厳選された34のプラグイン・エフェクトを装備しています。教会やコンサート・ホールなど、オーケストラにぴったりの空間の響きを作り出してくれるConvoRoom機能も備えています。また、シンセサイザーにも匹敵するパラメータを備えたEditページや、エフェクトのインサート / センド / リターン機能も充実したDAWスタイルの16チャンネル・ミキサーを備えたMixページなども備えています。8つのマクロ・パラメータにより、シンセサイザーなどの予備知識がなくともサウンドのエディット、微調整を、すばやく、簡単に行うことができるのです。




A symphony in your computer

Human expression, emotional feeling, musical grandeur — these are the qualities that have made Miroslav Philharmonik 2 such a highly regarded orchestral collection. Its sounds offer an amazingly lifelike playing experience with power, passion and emotion that's unmatched by any other comparable library. The sample collection that makes up Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE draws from both the new Miroslav Philharmonik 2 sessions and the time-proven Miroslav Philharmonik 1 library.

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE lets you experience the power of the full version for a fraction of the price. It comes with a 10GB collection with over 700 instruments that cover all the categories of the full version. This includes violins, violas, cellos, trumpets, french horns, trombones, tubas, bassoon, flutes, english horns and more. Each of these instruments comes with its own realistic articulations that let you add that human touch quickly and easily.
All instruments in Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE are provided at a processor-friendly 16-bit/44.1kHz sample rate so you can use them easily on any computer.

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE contains the following instruments:

  • 211 Strings
  • 162 Brass
  • 231 Woodwinds
  • 55 Orchestral Sections
  • 25 Choirs
  • 4 Grand Pianos
  • 3 Chromatic Instruments
  • 22 Percussion Instruments
  • 20 Other Classical Instruments
Strings Ensemble

Ensemble Strings

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE provides you with a lush 31-piece string section with 14 violins, 8 violas, 5 cellos and 4 contrabasses.

A playable instrument of the complete ensemble, it’s a great way to quickly make great-sounding simple string arrangements.

For more complex orchestration, you can go deeper into the separate ensemble instrument sections for violins, violas, cellos and contrabasses.

Each section is available with multiple articulations.

Solo Strings

Bring your playing to life with masterfully played violin, viola, cello and contrabass.

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE’s deep range of articulations lets you easily add human expressiveness and emotion to your compositions by choosing exactly the right articulation for the musical passage you are creating.

Switch between articulations on the fly or load dedicated single articulation instruments.

Strings Solo
Brass Ensemble

Ensemble Brass

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE comes with an 11-piece brass ensemble that lets you add weight and majesty to any production. In addition to the combined orchestral ensemble instruments, you get individual sections for trumpets, trombones, french horns, trombones and trombone with tubas. These give you the freedom to start arranging immediately without having to load multiple instruments. The available combinations will allow to find just the right density for your ensemble sound, or use the ensembles as a way to jump start your creative process.

Solo Brass

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE’s brass ensemble is pretty impressive, but a whole is only the sum of its parts: each individual brass instrument has been recorded by a top classical musician. You get solo trumpet, french horn, tenor trombone, bass trombone and tuba instruments that each come with their own wide range of articulations for maximum expression and tonal color. A single brass quintet instrument provides fast access to the full solo instrument range from tuba all the way up to trumpet, and then there are master key switching instruments for each solo instrument type. Load the solo french horn key switching instrument to quickly go between sustained, portato, legato and staccato articulations all within a single part.

Brass Solo
Woodwinds Ensemble

Ensemble Woodwinds

Animated and colorful, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE’s 18-piece woodwind ensemble gives you a full palette of orchestral hues in the form of flutes, piccolos, clarinets, bass clarinets, oboes, bassoons, contrabassoons and English horns. A single instrument combines the ensembles across the full keyboard range for an orchestral woodwind ensemble, and like the brass, a concert band ensemble variation is also provided. Then for each section, there is a master key switching instrument that contains the primary articulations for each instrument. These options let you control single woodwind ensemble instruments in your arrangement at an incredibly detailed level.

Solo Woodwinds

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE gives you incredible flexibility and power when it comes to solo flute, piccolo, clarinet, bass clarinet, English horn, oboe, bassoon and contrabassoon arrangements.

You get a woodwinds quartet and a quintet that are both available as master solo instruments. Then as with the other categories, there are master key switching instruments for each solo woodwind.

With these, you can have total control over all the solo woodwind instruments — with every available articulation — with just 8 parts!

Woodwinds Solo


The grand piano is an essential element of the modern symphony orchestra.

Our meticulously recorded stereo 9’ concert grand provides all the epic majesty, drama and richness that symphonic music demands.

With full-length samples, a deep matrix of velocity splits and soundboard modeling from the specific piano we captured, the Philharmonik Grand is ready to perform as both solo instrument and supporting cast member of the larger orchestra.

The Philharmonik Grand is also highly suitable for pop, jazz and other genres with its depth and quality.


Also referred to as tuned percussion, the Miroslav Philharmonik 2 chromatic instruments add punctuation, sparkle and color to any symphonic production.

The collection of mallet instruments includes a concert marimba, a glockenspiel and orchestral chimes from the new Miroslav Philharmonik 2 sessions along with harpsichord, celeste and crotals from the Miroslav Philharmonik 1 collection.


Included Instruments

Below is a list of the instruments in Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE organized by instrument type and articulation. The number in parenthesis is the amount of variations for each instrument articulation. The variations include performances at different dynamic levels, different lengths, different intensities and even different scales for recorded lines.

Ensemble Strings


  • Basses Multi (2)
  • Basses Sustain (4)
  • Basses Detache (8)
  • Basses Staccato (5)
  • Basses Pizzicato (2)
  • Basses Tremolo (3)
  • Basses Sul Pont (2)


  • Cellos Multi (2)
  • Cellos Sustain (7)
  • Cellos Detache (7)
  • Cellos Espressivo (2)
  • Cellos Staccato (5)
  • Cellos Spiccato (1)
  • Cellos Pizzicato (2)
  • Cellos Tremolo (2)
  • Cellos Sul Pont (3)
  • Cellos Flautando (2)
  • Cellos Legato (10)


  • Violas Multi (2)
  • Violas Sustain (6)
  • Violas Detache (7)
  • Violas Espressivo (2)
  • Violas Staccato (4)
  • Violas Pizzicato (1)
  • Violas Tremolo (1)
  • Violas Sul Pont (1)


  • Violins Multi (2)
  • Violins Sustain (10)
  • Violins Detache (7)
  • Violins Espressivo (1)
  • Violins Staccato (4)
  • Violins Pizzicato (2)
  • Violins Tremolo (2)
  • Violins Sul Pont (2)
  • Violins Legato (11)

Solo Strings


  • Violin Sustain (3)
  • Violin Detache (4)
  • Violin Staccato & Spiccato (5)
  • Violin Legato (2)


  • Viola Multi_KSW (1)
  • Viola Sustain (4)
  • Viola Detache (7)
  • Viola Staccato & Spiccato (3)
  • Viola Legato (4)


  • Cello Multi_KSW (1)
  • Cello Sustain (5)
  • Cello Detache (5)
  • Cello Staccato & Spiccato (5)
  • Cello Legato (1)


  • Bass Multi_KSW (1)
  • Bass Sustain (5)
  • Bass Detache (8)
  • Bass Staccatos & Spiccato (7)
  • Bass Legato (1)
  • Bass Pizzicato (4)

Ensemble Brass

French Horns

  • 4 French Horns Multi (1)
  • French Horns Sustain (4)
  • French Horns Portato (14)
  • French Horns Staccato (4)

Trombone & Tuba

  • Trombone & Tuba Multi (1)
  • Trombone & Tuba Forte (1)
  • Trombone & Tuba Staccato (1)
  • Trombone & Tuba Sus 5,0 LP (1)
  • Trombone & Tuba Sus 5,0 (1)


  • 3 Trombones Multi (1)
  • Trombones Sustain (3)
  • Trombones Portato (15)
  • Trombones Staccato (4)


  • 3 Trumpets Multi (1)
  • Trumpets Sustain (3)
  • Trumpets Portato (12)
  • Trumpets Staccato (4)

Solo Brass

1st Trumpet

  • 1st Trumpet Multi (1)
  • 1st Trumpet Portato (9)
  • 1st Trumpet Legato (6)
  • 1st Trumpet Staccatos (4)
  • Bass Trombone

    • Bass Trombone Multi (1)
    • Bass Trombone Portato (8)
    • Bass Trombone Staccato (4)

    French Horn

    • French Horn Multi (1)
    • French Horn Sustain (7)
    • French Horn Portato (4)
    • French Horn Staccato (6)


    • Trombone Multi (1)
    • Trombone Portato (6)
    • Trombone Staccato (4)
    • Trombone Sustain (7)


    • Tuba Multi (1)
    • Tuba Sustains (3)
    • Tuba Portato (8)
    • Tuba Legato (5)
    • Tuba Staccatos (5)

    Ensemble Woodwinds


    • 3 Bassoons Multi (1)
    • Bassoons Sustain (2)
    • Bassoons Portato (12)
    • Bassoons Staccato (4)


    • 3 Clarinets Multi (1)
    • Clarinets Sustain (2)
    • Clarinets Portato (13)
    • Clarinets Staccato (3)

    English Horns

    • English Horns Sustain (2)
    • English Horn Portato (2)
    • English Horn Staccato (1)


    • 3 Flutes Multi (1)
    • Flutes Sustain (2)
    • Flutes Portato (5)
    • Flutes Staccato (3)


    • 3 Oboes Multi (1)
    • Oboes Sustain (2)
    • Oboes Portato (9)
    • Oboes Staccato (4)


    • 3 Piccolos Multi (1)
    • 3 Piccolos Crescendo 2,5 (1)
    • 3 Piccolos Po 3,0 (1)
    • 3 Piccolos Staccato (1)

    Solo Woodwinds

    Bass Clarinet

    • Bass Clarinet Solo Multi (1)
    • Bass Clarinet Solo Sustain (4)
    • Bass Clarinet Solo Portato (4)
    • Bass Clarinet Solo Staccato (9)
    • Bass Clarinet Solo Legato & Intervals (7)


    • Bassoon Solo Multi (1)
    • Bassoon Solo Sustain (8)
    • Bassoon Solo Portato (3)
    • Bassoon Solo Staccato (4)
    • Bassoon Solo Legato (4)


    • Clarinet Solo Multi (1)
    • Clarinet Solo Sustain (5)
    • Clarinet Solo Portato (5)
    • Clarinet Solo Staccato (5)
    • Clarinet Solo Glissando (1)


    • Contrabassoon Solo Multi (1)
    • Contrabassoon Solo Sustain (9)
    • Contrabassoon Solo Portato (5)
    • Contrabassoon Solo Staccatos (4)
    • Contrabassoon Solo Legato, Intervals and Trills (7)

    English Horn

    • English Horn Solo Multi (1)
    • English Horn Solo Sustain (8)
    • English Horn Solo Portato (10)
    • English Horn Solo Staccato (4)
    • English Horn Solo Legato (5)


    • Flute Solo Multi (1)
    • Flute Solo Sustain (6)
    • Flute Solo Portato (5)
    • Flute Solo Staccato (4)


    • Oboe Solo Multi (1)
    • Oboe Solo Sustain (4)
    • Oboe Solo Portato (7)
    • Oboe Solo Staccato (4)


    • Piccolo Solo Multi (1)
    • Piccolo Flute Solo Sustain (6)
    • Piccolo Flute Solo Portamento (1)
    • Piccolo Flute Solo Staccato (2)

    Grand Piano

    • Philharmonik Grand Eco (4)


    • Concert Marimba Mono (1)
    • Glockenspiel Mono (1)
    • Orchestra Chimes Mono (1)


    • Female Choirs (5)
    • Male Choirs (13)
    • Mixed Choirs (7)

    Orchestral Sections

    • Mixed Orchestra (24)
    • Orchestra Performance (9)
    • Brass and Wind Sections (22)


    • Chromatic Percussion (6)
    • Full Percussion Maps (6)
    • Percussion Menu Maps (2)

    Other Instruments

    • Cathedral Organ (7)
    • Classical Guitars (2)
    • Classical Harps (10)
    • Harpsichord (2)

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