

壮大な弦楽器セクション、躍動する木管楽器セクション、咆哮する金管楽器セクション。流麗なレガートから生き生きとしたピツィカートまで。アグレッシブなスピッカートからエレガントなスタッカートまで。弱々しいピアニッシモから意気揚々としたフォルテッシモまで。触れた瞬間に感じられる、圧倒的なサウンドの美しさ。感情を揺さぶる力。そして、音楽性。それがMiroslav Philharmonik 2です。その音楽性ゆえにこれまで幅広い人気と高い評価を得てきたオーケストラ&クワイア音源、Miroslav Philharmonikの最新バージョン、Miroslav Philharmonik 2は、前バージョンと同様、プロフェッショナルな演奏家たちによる演奏を、さまざまなアーティキュレーションで、「音楽的」に収録した高品位なサンプル・ライブラリーをベースに開発されています。ミロスラフ・ヴィトウスが開拓した、音楽家のための完璧なオーケストラ・サンプル・ライブラリーは、また新たな次元への一歩を踏み出したのです。



Miroslav Philharmonik 2は、音楽のフィーリングそのものです。そしてそのフィーリングは、決して他のオーケストラ・サウンド・コレクションが真似することができないものです。ミロスラフ・ヴィトウスのオリジナルのライブラリーに慣れ親しんだ方なら、この意味をご理解いただけると思います。しかし、オリジナルのMiroslav Philharmonikに一度も触れたことがない方のために、少し回り道をしましょう。例として、悲しいラヴ・ストーリーの1場面を思い描いてみてください。泣かせるR&B風バラードをより情緒的に引き立たせるオーケストラの伴奏は?または、ゴシック・メタル風の頌歌に、トップ・チャートを飾るナンバーのようなカタルシスを感じさせるオーケストラ・サウンドを加えてみたい時は?

Miroslav Philharmonik 2ならきっと、ぴったりのサウンドを提供してくれます。他のライブラリーに決して真似をすることができない音楽性。たった1音を鳴らしただけで、演奏者がその音にこめた、情熱、哀しみ、喜びなどを感じ取っていただけるに違いありません。Mirsolav Philharmonik 2は、演奏者の息づかいまで聞こえてきそうなそのサウンド・クォリティで、あなたのDAWに、意のままに操ることができるフル・オーケストラをお届けします。

Miroslav Philharmonik 2を他のオーケストラ・ライブラリーと一線を画したものにしているのは、洗練された使いやすいユーザー・インターフェイスを備えたサウンド・ワークステーションという点ばかりではありません。また、そのサウンド・クォリティだけでもありません。1音1音にインスピレーションを刺激する音楽の「魔法」が秘められているのです。それは、まさしく音楽を創るという愉しみであり、喜びです。そして、ミロスラフ・ヴィトウスの音楽に対するまっすぐな情熱と魂を受け継いだものなのです。


Miroslav Philharmonik 2は、前バージョン同様、ウェザー・リポートのメンバーとしても知られる伝説的ミュージシャン、ミロスラフ・ヴィトウスとのコラボレーションにより開発されています。58 GB以上のサンプル・ライブラリーに基づく2,700以上ものインストゥルメントが用意されており、繊細な弦楽器セクションから、色彩感豊かな木管楽器セクション、壮麗な金管楽器セクションに至るまで、意のままに楽器を組み合わせて、自分だけのオーケストラを編成することができるのです。


これまでの数々の作品を彩ってきたオリジナルのオーケストラ&クワイア音源ワークステーション、Miroslav Philharmonik。Miroslav Philharmonik 2は、その伝統を受け継ぎ、クリエーター自身がインスピレーションを刺激する「魔法」と呼ぶ音楽的表現力をまた新たな次元へと進化させました。


「… 音楽に対する情熱がこのライブラリーの完成を可能にした。このライブラリーは、まるで魔法のように音楽を奏でてくれる。まさしく音楽のためのライブラリーだ。金や名声のために作ったライブラリーではないんだ。」ミロスラフ・ヴィトウス談

Miroslav Vitous

Miroslav Philharmonik 2のインストゥルメントは、弦楽器セクション、金管楽器セクション、木管楽器セクションからパーカッションに至るまで、ソロでもアンサンブルでも、さまざまなアーティキュレーションで、ステレオ収録されています。加えて、SampleTank 3T-RackSシリーズから厳選された使い易い高品位なオーディオ・エフェクトを30以上も装備してあり、音創りの可能性は無限に広がっているのです。オーケストラを駆使したクラシカルな作品、壮大なフィルム・スコアから、ヒップ・ホップ、バラードまで、幅広くお使いいただけることでしょう。 喜びと哀しみ、怒りや苦しみ、そして情熱。フル・オーケストラならでの音楽の表現力を、最新のサンプリング・テクノロジーとユーザー・インターフェイスで、しかもお手頃な価格であなたのDAWにお届けします。


より良い結果を得るためには、まず基本に立ち返ること。Miroslav Philharmonik 2の開発にあたって、まず何よりもこの大原則に従いました。Miroslav Philharmonik 2には、オリジナルのライブラリーから作成された1,000以上の新しいインストゥルメントが含まれています。弦楽器、金管楽器、木管楽器それぞれで、ソロやアンサンブルの演奏を、サスティン、スタッカート、ピツィカートなど基本的なアーティキュレーションは言うまでもなく、各楽器独特の表現でも収録されたものも含まれて、それぞれの楽器独特の表現も含んだ45 GBのまったく新しいサンプルをベースにしています。

ただ静的なアコースティック楽器のサンプルを組み合わせただけのインストゥルメントは、ミロスラフのスタイルに適いません。Miroslav Philharmonik 2では、基になるサンプルそのものがいかに音楽的であるかということが問題なのです。


それぞれのサンプルは、オリジナルのMiroslav Philharmonik同様、どれもていねいに収録されたものです。そして経験豊かなミュージシャンたちによって、オリジナルのサンプルの持つ音楽性を損なうことのないよう、注意深くエディットされ、インストゥルメントとして構成されています。

もちろん、オリジナルのMiroslav Philharmonikバーチャル・インストゥルメントのライブラリーの核を成していたインストゥルメントのほとんどが、Miroslav Philharmonik 2用に最適化され、そのライブラリーに加えられています。古いプロジェクトにもう一度取り組みたい。そのプロジェクトの持つ音楽性をできるだけ損なうことのないよう配慮されています。またそのライブラリーは、SampleTank 3互換ですから、SampleTank 3とシームレスに統合してお使いいただくこともできます。


Miroslav Philharmonik 2のインストゥルメントは、鍵盤で演奏した場合でも、オリジナルの楽器の持つ表現力を損なわないよう、デザインされています。Miroslav Philharmonik 2には、SampleTank 3でもお馴染みのアーティキュレーション・スイッチ機能が備わっています。。




熟練のマニュピレーターでなくとも凄腕のプロデューサーでなくとも、大丈夫。SampleTank 3同様、Miroslav Philharmonik 2ではすべてのサウンドに最大8つのマクロ・パラメータが用意されています。1つのコントロール・ノブであらかじめ設定された複数のパラメータを制御できるマクロ機能により、誰でもすばやく簡単にサウンド・パラメーターを調節することができます。もちろん、「Edit」ページでさらに細かくサウンドをエディットすることもできます。



Miroslav Philharmonik 2は、IKのサウンド&グルーブ・ワークステーション、SampleTank 3やT-RackSシリーズから厳選された34のプラグイン・エフェクトを装備しています。その高品位なエフェクト群は、きっとMiroslav Philharmonik 2のサウンドの世界を広げてくれるに違いありません。

SampleTank 3から厳選されたエフェクトは、イコライザーが5種類、ダイナミクス系エフェクトが4種類、9種類のモジュレーション系エフェクト、9種類のリバーブ / ディレイ系エフェクト、そしてフィルター系およびその他のエフェクトが7種類となっています。加えて、T-RackSシリーズから厳選された4種類のミキシング / マスタリング・エフェクトも備えています。これらの高品位なエフェクトにより、プロフェッショナルなミキシングからマスタリングまで、他にエフェクト・プラグインを使用することなくMiroslav Philharmonik 2だけで完結させてしまうことさえ可能でしょう。




Black 76


Model 670


Vintage EQ-1A


White 2A


Chorus C1


Electric Flanger


Rotary Speaker


Small Phazer




Acoustic Resonance




Hall Reverb


Plate Reverb


Tape Echo


Piano Lid


Stereo Imager

空間を3Dで視覚化 – ConvoRoomリバーブ

Miroslav Philharmonik 2のコンボリューション・リバーブ・エフェクト、ConvoRoom機能により、あなたのオーケストラが演奏する空間を即座に切り替えることができます。教会やコンサート・ホールなど、オーケストラにぴったりの空間の響きを作り出してくれます。また、空間タイプを切り替えることで、その空間がユーザー・インターフェイス上に3F表示されます。鳴り響くサウンドとその空間を即座に視認することも可能です。


Play • Mix • Edit




SampleTank 3同様、Miroslav Philharmonik 2のメインのユーザー・インターフェイスは、Playページです。画面左側には、マルチやインストゥルメント、パターンのロードするためのブラウザが装備されています。右側にはパートごとの情報が表示され、各パートの基本的なパラメータを調節することができます。最大「16パート」までロード可能な各パートには、5つのインサート・エフェクト、そして4つのエフェクト・センドが装備されており、複雑なエフェクト処理が可能です。また、各パートにはMIDIチャンネルを自由に設定でき、レイヤーやスプリットを駆使した演奏や、複雑なシーケンスのためのマルチ・ティンバー音源としての使いかたも自由自在です。


Miroslav Philhamonik 2は、DAWなどでお馴染みのミキサー・インターフェイスを備えています。Miroslav Philhamonik 2のMixページでは、1チャンネルあたり最大5つのエフェクトをインサートできます。16のパート・チャンネル、リバーブやディレイなどのセンド・エフェクトのリターンに使用する4系統のリターン、そしてマスター・チャンネルの合計21チャンネルが装備されています。1つのサウンドに合計で30ものエフェクトを加えることがでるのです。



交響曲を例に考えてみましょう。そしてその交響曲は、最新のシンセサイザーのエディット機能を使って処理されているとしたら?そのサウンドの可能性は想像を遙かに超えたクリエイティブなものになることでしょう。Miroslav Philharmonik 2のEditページには、インストゥルメントのエンベロープやLFOなど、シンセサイザーで馴染みの深いパラメータが備わっています。SampleTank 3でお馴染みの、10種類の新しいフィルターも装備されていますから、オーケストラ・サウンドにさまざまなモダンな加工を加えることができます。.


  • 58 GB以上のハイレゾ・サンプル (24-bit / 96kHz)。
  • アーティキュレーションやマクロ機能をより洗練させたオリジナルのMiroslav Philharmonikのサウンドすべてを含みます。
  • Recorded and produced by jazz legend Miroslav Vitous
  • 楽器を網羅する2,700以上のステレオ・インストゥルメント
  • Multiple articulations per instrument with articulation switching
  • 3D GUIを備えたコンボリューション・リバーブ機能、ConvoRoom。
  • SampleTank 3から厳選された34種類の高品位なオーディオ・エフェクトを装備。
  • T-RackSシリーズから厳選されたプロ・クォリティのマスタリング・エフェクトを4種類装備。
  • マルチチャンネルのオーディオ・ミキサーを模したMixインターフェイスでは、チャンネルあたり最大5種類のエフェクト・インサートが可能。加えて、それぞれに5種類のエフェクト・インサートが可能な4系統のエフェクト・リターン、および同じく5種類のエフェクト・インサートが可能なマスター・チャンネルも備えており、1つのサウンドに最大30ものエフェクトを加えることが可能。
  • ピッチ-シフト/タイム-ストレッチ・エンジンなど 3種類のサンプル・エンジン 、14種類のフィルターを備えたEditページ。複数のパラメータをすばやくエディットできる8つのマクロ・パラメータも装備。
  • SampleTank 3のパワフルな64-bitネイティブ・サンプル・エンジンを搭載
  • プラハのCNSO Studiosで収録された高品位なサウンド。

SampleTank 3の拡張音源としても

Miroslav Philharmonik 2は、SampleTank 3のテクノロジーに基づいています。すなわち、スタンドアロンやAU / VST / AAX対応プラグインのインストゥルメントとして使用できる他、サウンド&グルーブ・ワークステーション、SampleTank 3の拡張サウンド・ライブラリーとしても使用できるのです。Miroslav Philharmonik 2のフル・オーケストラと・サウンドとSampleTank 3のモダンな楽器のライブラリーを組み合わせた複雑なスコアの制作に最適でしょう。




Powerful playing, effortless editing, masterful mixing — all at your fingertips

Before you even hear your first note, the first thing you’ll notice about Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is how beautiful it looks. It sports an attractive custom graphic interface that emphasizes the wood, paper and brass textures of real instruments that’ll help get you in the creative mood. And while this interface might be easy to look at, it’s also equally easy to use — Miroslav Philharmonik 2 provides effortless control of a whole range of powerful features that you can use to enhance your playing or even radically transform your musical compositions.

play info violin


Like SampleTank 3, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 features a Play page. It’s where you’ll do the majority of your composing. It gives you 16 “parts” that work like channels on a mixing board or tracks on a DAW. Each part can contain one articulation-switching instrument, and each has its own 5 insert effects slots as well as 4 insert effect sends for global processing (more on that in a minute). Each Part can be assigned to any MIDI channel letting you layer, split and perform complex multi-timbral sequencing with ease.

You can see all the parts using the Part Viewer on the right side of the screen. It displays the loaded instruments and also gives you quick access to essential controls like volume, pan mute and solo.


Miroslav Philharmonik 2 has an incredible, streamlined browser that makes finding the perfect instrument a breeze. Its features expandable folders that let you quickly find instruments by category as well as a handy search engine using key words.


Creative combinations

You can let your creativity run wild with Miroslav Philharmonik 2. Building layered instruments is incredibly easy: Just assign whatever Parts you’d like to the same MIDI channel. It's just as simple to split your keyboard to play multiple instruments. Do the same thing, but use the Edit page to set the specific key range for each instrument. To play multiple independent parts at once, such as with a sequencer or DAW, assign each Part to its own MIDI channel. Now you can play each Part as though it were its own sound module! And of course, each Part can contain its own articulation-switching instrument for an added dimension.

Instant editing with macros

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 provides 8 of the most used musical controls in the form of “Macros” that let you quickly edit your sounds with speed and ease. These macro controls give you quick access to the most musically relevant parameters you need to custom tailor the sound of the instrument to fit your composition. Miroslav Philharmonik 2 also provides deep editing capability of all synth parameters in the “Edit” page for true sonic customization and deep sonic sculpting.

play info violin

The macro controls consist of the expression control which adjusts the volume and tone together for those subtle variations in sustained notes that add extra life and realism. The attack and release controls let you tailor the envelopes of your instrument to meet your exact musical needs. The cutoff control gives adjusts the filter, so you can quickly make any instrument darker or warmer. Start lets you adjust the sample’s start point so you can add more punch, edge and immediacy. In addition to these controls, you also get a familiar 3-band EQ that’s perfect for those on-the-fly adjustments for tonality while playing.

These macro controls let you customize the library so that it suits your taste and needs. Miroslav Philharmonik 2 gives you the know-how and ability of a master sound designer, only without having to spend the time to get an engineering degree!

Professional effects

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 includes 34 of the best studio plug-in effects from IK Multimedia’s acclaimed SampleTank 3 sound and groove workstation. Each of these effects has been selected to enhance your experience with Miroslav Philharmonik 2.

You get 5 equalizers, 4 dynamic processors, 7 filtering and special processors, 9 modulation effects and 9 reverb and delay effects. Versatile, powerful and easy-to-use (a recurring theme, we’re sure you’ll agree), these effects let you create professional, broadcast-quality productions straight inside Miroslav Philharmonik 2 itself — no additional processing necessary!


EQ and Dynamics


Black 76




EQ Comp




Model 670


Parametric EQ


Vintage EQ-1A


White 2A



Chorus C1




Electric Flanger






Rotary Speaker


Small Phazer





Reverb and Delay


Acoustic Resonance








Hall Reverb


Plate Reverb




Spring Reverb


Tape Echo

Filter / Other


Env Filter


LFO Filter






Piano Lid




Stereo Imager

Amp Components


Tone Control

3D Room Visualization – the ConvoRoom

Immerse yourself in real symphonic spaces. Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s ConvoRoom convolution reverb lets you quickly and easily switch the acoustic space that your symphony is playing in. It now also comes with a brand new virtual room GUI that gives you a visual representation of the physical space that will help to immerse you in the sound and connect you with your orchestra’s environment beyond mere instrument icons.

Mix: A pro studio console and conductor for your orchestra

Miroslav Philhamonik 2 is more than just an instrument; it’s a full-featured symphonic workstation. It comes with its own built-in DAW. Explore the MIX tab and you’ll find the familiar interface of a DAW mixer that comes complete with console-style channel strips and insert FX.


You get three different kinds of channels:

16 Part channels with per-channel volume, pan, mute, and solo controls as well as 5 insert effects slots and 4 send/returns.

4 return channels that are used for global processing, like adding reverb and delay or bus processing channels with Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s powerful included compressors, limiters and equalizers.

And a master channel where you can apply all final mastering and master bus processing. Miroslav Philharmonik 2 comes with 4 of the best analog modeled mastering effects from IK’s powerful T-RackS mixing and mastering suite — the Black 76, White 2A and Model 670 limiters plus the Tube Program EQ. Now you have the power to “master” you final mix without ever having to leave Miroslav Philharmonik 2!


Edit: A synthesizer for your symphony

Imagine a symphony…now imagine that symphony processed through a state-of-the-art synthesizer. Sounds pretty wild, right? Well that’s exactly what you can do with Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s robust Edit page. It’s a powerful synthesizer engine that you can use to radically reshape and transform any instrument in Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s library to fit your creative needs.


It sports a core next-generation sampler with three different playback engines drawn from IK’s acclaimed SampleTank 3 sound and groove workstation: Pitch Shift/Time Stretch for clear and punchy percussion. STRETCH™ (or SampleTank Time REsynthesis TeCHnology) for extremely realistic woodwinds, brass and organic sounds — this new technology gets around the “chipmunk” effect produced by traditional samplers by shifting all aspects of a sample’s sound, including fundamentals and formants. There’s also a more traditional Resampling engine.

Beyond its sampling, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 also provides 10 great-sounding filters that cover everything from classic to contemporary: You get a famous analog transistor ladder filter plus formant, phaser and multimode filters that all provide an effortless flexibility that you won’t find on even the best analog synthesizers. Now you can turn a simple trumpet into a massive synthesizer lead or a mighty brass ensemble into a soft and dreamy pad. With Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s included filters, you can color your sound any shade of the sonic rainbow.

Edit / Filters


A symphony in your computer

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 gives you more than an orchestra's worth of sounds — it lets you conjure the human expression and emotion behind every single one of its sounds. It gives you an expanding library of over 2,700 instruments that each have been recorded with beautiful high-resolution sound to meet the exacting standards of Miroslav Vitous himself. You get soaring strings, animated woodwinds and majestic brass plus a majestic 9’ concert grand piano, an elegant harpsichord, stately orchestral chimes, angelic harps, a kinetic concert marimba, a warm and rich vibraphone and a lively glockenspiel that all feature that same uniquely human touch that made the original Miroslav Philharmonik such a highly regarded classic. With these sounds, you won't just be playing notes, you'll be playing the passion of the master musicians behind the instrument samples themselves. And because of this, every instrument just seems to "fit."

A key part of this are the articulations on offer, and the easy articulation switching system inside. The strings, brass and woodwinds categories each have their own master key switching instruments that let you effortlessly switch between articulations from the keyboard while on the fly. You can also access single instrument articulations as individual instruments if you prefer to work without key switching. Articulations let you really bring your performances to life. In addition, the new mallet instruments have been recorded using different types of mallets for the utmost in sonic and tonal flexibility. The new piano's soundboard has been modeled to facilitate a striking degree of acoustic realism. And, where appropriate, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 also takes advantage of round robin playback for an extra level of realism that provides multiple takes of the same note.

No matter how you look at it, Miroslav Philharmonik 2's sounds offer an amazingly lifelike playing experience with power, passion and emotion that's unmatched by any other comparable library.

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 contains the following instruments:

  • 868 Strings
  • 349 Brass
  • 393 Woodwinds
  • 119 Choirs
  • 774 Percussion
  • 96 Chromatic Instruments
  • 8 Grand Pianos
  • 48 Other Classical Instruments
Strings Ensemble

Ensemble Strings

Right from the start, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 provides you with a lush 31-piece string section with 14 violins, 8 violas, 5 cellos and 4 contrabasses. A playable instrument of the complete ensemble, it’s a great way to quickly make great-sounding simple string arrangements. For more complex orchestration, you can go deeper into the separate ensemble instrument sections for violins, violas, cellos and contrabasses.

Beyond each instrument’s articulations, there are also full recordings of performances of glissandos, trills, interval slides, legato runs and scales. This means that Miroslav Philharmonik 2 can do the more difficult articulations for you!

Solo Strings

Bring your playing to life with masterfully played violin, viola, cello and contrabass. Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s deep range of articulations lets you easily add human expressiveness and emotion to your compositions.

For absolute realism, each solo string instrument offers actual performances of scales, runs, trills, glissandos and legato passages.

You can play the solo cello from the keyboard for simple sustained, detache and staccato parts, and then use the performed articulations for those difficult-to-create parts like trills and glissandos. This combination of articulations lets you create string tracks with unparalleled realism and feeling.

Strings Solo
Brass Ensemble

Ensemble Brass

Want some brass with power? Miroslav Philharmonik 2 comes with an 11-piece brass ensemble that lets you add weight and majesty to any production. You get a combined orchestral ensemble instrument that lets you lay it on thick — or, if you prefer, you can choose a concert band ensemble. Both give you the freedom to start arranging immediately without having to load multiple instruments. Think of it as a way to jumpstart your creative process. Or, if you prefer, you can also make the brass ensemble of your dreams from the many trumpet, french horn, trombone and tuba instruments.

Solo Brass

Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s brass ensemble is pretty impressive, but a whole is only the sum of its parts: each individual brass instrument has been recorded by a top classical musician. You get 1st and 2nd trumpet, french horn, tenor trombone, bass trombone and tuba instruments that each come with their own wide range of articulations for maximum expression and tonal color. A single brass quintet instrument provides fast access to the full solo instrument range from tuba all the way up to trumpet, and then there are master key switching instruments for each solo instrument type. Load the solo french horn key switching instrument to quickly go between sustained, portato, legato and staccato articulations all within a single part.

Brass Solo
Woodwinds Ensemble

Ensemble Woodwinds

Animated and colorful, Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s 18-piece woodwind ensemble gives you a full palette of orchestral hues in the form of flutes, piccolos, clarinets, bass clarinets, oboes, bassoons, contrabassoons and English horns. A single instrument combines the ensembles across the full keyboard range for an orchestral woodwind ensemble, and like the brass, a concert band ensemble variation is also provided. Then for each section, there is a master key switching instrument that contains the primary articulations for each instrument. These options let you control single woodwind ensemble instruments in your arrangement at an incredibly detailed level.

Solo Woodwinds

Miroslav Philharmonik 2 gives you incredible flexibility and power when it comes to solo flute, piccolo, clarinet, bass clarinet, English horn, oboe, bassoon and contrabassoon arrangements.

You get a woodwinds quartet and a quintet that are both available as master solo instruments. Then as with the other categories, there are master key switching instruments for each solo woodwind.

With these, you can have total control over all the solo woodwind instruments — with every available articulation — with just 8 parts!

Woodwinds Solo


The grand piano is an essential element of the modern symphony orchestra.

Our meticulously recorded stereo 9’ concert grand provides all the epic majesty, drama and richness that symphonic music demands.

With full-length samples, a deep matrix of velocity splits and soundboard modeling from the specific piano we captured, the Philharmonik Grand is ready to perform as both solo instrument and supporting cast member of the larger orchestra.

The Philharmonik Grand is also highly suitable for pop, jazz and other genres with its depth and quality.

Concert Harp

Add a touch of the sublime to your next composition. Registered users of Miroslav Philharmonik 2 can now download a new free Concert Harp instrument collection (3 GB) that sounds beautifully lush both in an arrangement and on its own. It's been meticulously sampled in Blumlein stereo using 2 pairs of audiophile microphones — a condenser pair and a ribbon pair — through top-quality, low-noise preamps. It naturally pans from left to right as you play up the scale for a realistic playing experience with a natural sound stage. Play it plucked or use one of its many glissando styles to make your productions sing with emotion. You get 4 glissando instruments that include fast and slow playing in both major and minor key with one hand, mid-tempo two handed playing and a specially voiced "Angelic" instrument that gives you a long major scale strum.

Concert Harp


Also referred to as tuned percussion, the Miroslav Philharmonik 2 chromatic instruments add punctuation, sparkle and color to any symphonic production.

The classical harpsichord is provided with many variations including each stop individually along with various combinations that have all been recorded in gorgeous stereo for ultra-smooth and totally natural panning from the bottom of the keyboard to the top.

An impressive collection of mallet instruments is also provided that includes a concert marimba, a glockenspiel, orchestral chimes and a vibraphone. The mallet instruments are provided with both Blumlein stereo miking and dedicated mono miking options for a choice of two different impressions.

A library with a legacy

Of course it doesn’t stop there: In addition to the newly recorded instruments above, you also get a majority of the instruments from the original Miroslav Philharmonik library (we removed a few of the redundant ones for easier navigation).

In total, you get over 1,500 instruments from the original Miroslav Philharmonik product that we’ve updated to take advantage of Miroslav Philharmonik 2’s new SampleTank 3 engine under the hood.

These are classics that include everything from tubular bells to harps, harpsichords to choirs and much much more.


New Instruments

Below is a list of the new instruments in Miroslav Philharmonik 2 organized by instrument type and articulation. The number in parenthesis is the amount of variations for each instrument articulation. The variations include performances at different dynamic levels, different lengths, different intensities and even different scales for recorded lines.

Ensemble Strings


  • 4 Basses Multi
  • Basses Sustain (6)
  • Basses Detache (10)
  • Basses Staccato (8)
  • Basses Pizzicato (2)
  • Basses Tremolo (2)
  • Basses Sul Pont (2)
  • Basses Trills (1)


  • 5 Cellos Multi
  • Cellos Sustain (11)
  • Cellos Detache (13)
  • Cellos Expressivo (4)
  • Cellos Staccato (6)
  • Cellos Pizzicato (2)
  • Cellos Tremolo (2)
  • Cellos Sul Pont (8)
  • Cellos Trills (13)
  • Cellos Flautando (2)
  • Cellos Legato (10)
  • Cellos Chromatic Legatos (4)
  • Cellos Glissandos (22)
  • Cellos Intervals (9)
  • Cellos Recorded Legatos (13)
  • Cellos Recorded Scales (4)


  • 8 Violas Multi
  • Violas Sustain (10)
  • Violas Detache (10)
  • Violas Expressivo (2)
  • Violas Staccato (7)
  • Violas Pizzicato (2)
  • Violas Tremolo (2)
  • Violas Sul Pont (2)
  • Violas Trills (1)


  • 14 Violins Multi
  • Violins Sustain (12)
  • Violins Detache (15)
  • Violins Expressivo (2)
  • Violins Staccato (11)
  • Violins Pizzicato (2)
  • Violins Tremolo (2)
  • Violins Sul Pont (2)
  • Violins Trills (6)
  • Chromatic Legatos (4)
  • Glissandos (32)
  • Intervals (15)
  • Recorded Legatos (18)
  • Recorded Scales (4)

Solo Strings


  • Contrabass Solo Multi
  • Contrabass Solo Sustain (9)
  • Contrabass Solo Detache (8)
  • Contrabass Solo Staccatos & Spiccato (7)
  • Contrabass Solo Legato (1)
  • Contrabass Solo Pizzicato (5)


  • Cello Solo Multi
  • Cello Solo Sustain (9)
  • Cello Solo Detache (6)
  • Cello Solo Staccato & Spiccato (6)
  • Cello Solo Legato (5)
  • Cello Solo Glissandos (22)
  • Cello Solo Intervals (10)
  • Cello Solo Recorded Legatos (16)
  • Cello Solo Recorded Scales (3)
  • Cello Solo Trills (5)


  • Viola Solo Multi
  • Viola Solo Sustain (6)
  • Viola Solo Detache (11)
  • Viola Solo Staccato & Spiccato (6)
  • Viola Solo Legato (8)


  • Violin Solo Multi
  • Violin Solo Sustain (5)
  • Violin Solo Detache (5)
  • Violin Solo Staccato & Spiccato (16)
  • Violin Solo Legato (10)
  • Violin Solo Glissandos (33)
  • Violin Solo Intervals (15)
  • Violin Solo Recorded Legatos (15)
  • Violin Solo Trills (5)
  • Violin Solo Recorded Scales (5)

Concert Harp

  • Concert Harp (2)
  • Harp Gliss Maj-Min Slow (2)
  • Harp Gliss Maj-Min Fast (2)
  • Harp Gliss Maj-Min 2 Hands (2)
  • Harp Gliss Angelic (2)

Ensemble Brass

French Horns

  • 4 French Horns Multi
  • French Horns Sustain (4)
  • French Horns Portato (15)
  • French Horns Staccato (4)

Trombone & Tuba

  • Trombone & Tuba Multi
  • Trombone & Tuba (4)


  • 4 Trombones Multi
  • Trombones Sustain (3)
  • Trombones Portato (15)
  • Trombones Staccato (4)


  • 3 Trumpets Multi
  • Trumpets Sustain (3)
  • Trumpets Portamento (13)
  • Trumpets Staccato (4)

Solo Brass

1st Trumpet

  • 1st Trumpet Solo Multi
  • 1st Trumpet Solo Portato (9)
  • 1st Trumpet Solo Legato (7)
  • 1st Trumpet Solo Staccatos (4)

2nd Trumpet

  • 2nd Trumpet Solo Multi
  • 2nd Trumpet Solo Sustain (5)
  • 2nd Trumpet Solo Portato (6)
  • 2nd Trumpet Solo Staccato (3)

Bass Trombone

  • Bass Trombone Solo Multi
  • Bass Trombone Solo Portato (8)
  • Bass Trombone Solo Staccato (4)

French Horn

  • French Horn Solo Multi
  • French Horn Solo Sustain (7)
  • French Horn Solo Portato (4)
  • French Horn Solo Staccato (6)


  • Trombone Solo Multi
  • Trombone Solo Portato (6)
  • Trombone Solo Staccato (4)
  • Trombone Solo Sustain (7)


  • Tuba Solo Multi
  • Tuba Solo Sustains (3)
  • Tuba Solo Portato (8)
  • Tuba Solo Legato (5)
  • Tuba Solo Staccatos (5)

Ensemble Woodwinds


  • 3 Bassoons Multi
  • Bassoons Sustain (2)
  • Bassoons Portato (12)
  • Bassoons Staccato (4)


  • 3 Clarinets Multi
  • Clarinets Sustain (2)
  • Clarinets Portato (13)
  • Clarinets Staccato (3)

English Horns

  • English Horns Sustain (2)
  • English Horn Portato (2)
  • English Horn Staccato (1)


  • 3 Flutes Multi
  • Flutes Sustain (2)
  • Flutes Portato (12)
  • Flutes Staccato (4)


  • 3 Oboes Multi
  • Oboes Sustain (2)
  • Oboes Portato (9)
  • Oboes Staccato (4)


  • 3 Piccolos Multi
  • 3 Piccolos Crescendo 2,5
  • 3 Piccolos Po 3,0
  • 3 Piccolos Staccato

Solo Woodwinds

Bass Clarinet

  • Bass Clarinet Solo Multi
  • Bass Clarinet Solo Sustain (4)
  • Bass Clarinet Solo Portato (4)
  • Bass Clarinet Solo Staccato (9)
  • Bass Clarinet Solo Legato & Intervals (7)


  • Bassoon Solo Multi
  • Bassoon Solo Sustain (8)
  • Bassoon Solo Portato (3)
  • Bassoon Solo Staccato (4)
  • Bassoon Solo Legato (4)


  • Clarinet Solo Multi
  • Clarinet Solo Sustain (5)
  • Clarinet Solo Portato (5)
  • Clarinet Solo Staccato (5)
  • Clarinet Solo Glissando (1)


  • Contrabassoon Solo Multi
  • Contrabassoon Solo Sustain (9)
  • Contrabassoon Solo Portato (5)
  • Contrabassoon Solo Staccatos (4)
  • Contrabassoon Solo Legato, Intervals and Trills (7)

English Horn

  • English Horn Solo Multi
  • English Horn Solo Sustain (8)
  • English Horn Solo Portato (10)
  • English Horn Solo Staccato (4)
  • English Horn Solo Legato (5)


  • Flute Solo Multi
  • Flute Solo Sustain (6)
  • Flute Solo Portato (5)
  • Flute Solo Staccato (4)


  • Oboe Solo Multi
  • Oboe Solo Sustain (4)
  • Oboe Solo Portato (7)
  • Oboe Solo Staccato (4)


  • Piccolo Flute Solo Sustain (6)
  • Piccolo Solo Multi
  • Piccolo Flute Solo Portamento (1)
  • Piccolo Flute Solo Staccato (2)

Grand Piano

  • Philharmonik Grand (8)


  • Classical Harpsichord (20)
  • Concert Marimba Mono Miking (20)
  • Concert Marimba Stereo Miking (20)
  • Glockenspiel Mono Miking (8)
  • Glockenspiel Stereo Miking (8)
  • Orchestra Chimes (12)
  • Vibraphone (8)


  • Brass Ensemble
  • Cello Multi Part
  • Full Orchestra Live + Percussions
  • Full Orchestra Live + Timpani
  • Full Orchestra Live
  • Full Orchestra Scoring
  • Strings Ensemble 1
  • Strings Ensemble 2 + 1st
  • Strings Quartet 1
  • Strings Quartet 2
  • Woodwinds Ensemble

Miroslav Vitous

A Jazz Legend

Miroslav Vitous is a Czech-born musician and educator known around the world for his work as a jazz bassist. Working between jazz and rock in the late ’60s and early ‘70s, he formed the groundbreaking jazz-fusion group Weather Report along with keyboardist Joe Zawinul and saxophonist Wayne Shorter.

His career spans multiple decades and along the way he’s shared the stage and played with legends Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Stan Getz, Jan Hammer, Herbie Mann, Peter Erskine, Dizzie Gillespie, Stanley Clark, Steve Gadd, Michel Petrucciani, Pat Metheny, Billy Cobham, Herbie Hancock and countless others. His discography both solo and collaborative is equally impressive.

A legendary library

Beyond his bass playing, Miroslav is also a well-known figure in the sampling world for the quality of his orchestral sample libraries. His original Symphonic Orchestra Samples CDs, released in 1993, are considered to be the first high-quality orchestral library ever released.

These original samples came from, as he said in an interview, a personal desire “to compose without having to pay $80,000 for a symphony orchestra.” Ever since, he has dedicated himself to capturing all the human depth, feeling and emotion of a real symphony orchestra for digital use.


As has been the case since Miroslav first entered the sampling world in the ‘90s, his success has been defined by his ability to instill a state of emotion in his sampled performances rather than just “record the notes.” The sounds in his libraries just seem to “fit” into the mix like a real orchestral recording, and that’s because of his insistence on sampling each solo player and instrument in their original orchestral positioning. All of these things combined to contribute to the massive success and power of the original Miroslav Philharmonik, a meeting between the human expressiveness of his samples with the power of IK’s SampleTank sound and groove workstation.

And now that commitment to quality continues today in Miroslav Philharmonik 2, the next-generation of one of the most storied orchestral workstations of all time.

Miroslav Vitous Interview

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